Legal Advisor
[email protected]
Law degree by Universidad Libre de Colombia, a degree accredited by the University of São Paulo (USP), holds a Master’s and PhD in Law granted by Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and professor in Public Law at the same PUC-SP, as well as the Centro Universitário de Bauru-SP and Escola Paulista de Direito, Mr. Alarcón is a guest speaker at the Procuradoria do Estado de São Paulo among other entities, as well as by the State Attorney’s Office of São Paulo and other institutions. Author of several legal works, among other “Ciência Política, Estado e Direito Público” (2013) as also coordinated the book “Reforma do Judiciário, Analisada e Comentada” (2005) among other.
Mr. Alarcón periodically publishes several articles in legal journals in Brazil and abroad and is a consultant in Administrative Law, Legislative Constitutional Law, International Law and International Labor Law in Brazil, Colombia and Uruguay.
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.